When you consider the fact that everything your child eats comes in contact with their teeth, it quickly becomes evident that their diet can directly influence their oral health. In fact, this is one reason why dentist’s advise against regularly consuming certain foods. However, while some foods can be detrimental to your child’s oral health, others can be beneficial. Here are the top ten best foods for your child’s teeth:
Cheese is good for your child’s teeth for a variety of reasons. For starters, it is high in calcium and phosphate. Calcium is important for maintaining bone density, while phosphate helps to balance pH in the saliva to prevent erosion. Cheese also contains a protein known as casein, which is used by the body to fortify tooth enamel. Finally, chewing on cheese increases saliva production, which helps to keep the mouth clean.
Celery is good for your child’s teeth because it is a crunchy vegetable that contains a lot of water. The crunching needed to grind celery down helps to clean the surface of your child’s teeth, while the high water content increases saliva production. Not only that, but celery acts as nature’s dental floss because of its fibrous texture.
Leafy Greens

Leafy greens, such as spinach, lettuce, and kale, are full of nutrients essential for oral and overall health. These greens are high in calcium and folic acid. They also contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. While many people think of leafy greens as part of a salad, they can also be beneficial when eaten in a sandwich.
Like celery, apples also contain lots of water and fiber. Biting into an apple or eating apple slices helps to clean the surface of the teeth while increasing saliva production to neutralize acids. Chewing on apples also benefits your gums, since it provides stimulation.

Nuts, such as almonds, Brazil nuts, and cashews, are exceptionally good for your child’s teeth. Like cheese, nuts contain high amounts of calcium and phosphorus, which keeps tooth enamel strong. Peanuts also contain high amounts of vitamin D, which is essential for the body to absorb calcium through the small intestine.
Fatty Fish
For starters, chewing on fatty fish stimulates excess saliva production. However, fatty fish also contain high levels of phosphorus, which is a key component of tooth enamel. If your child won’t eat fish, you can also use tofu since it has similar levels of phosphorus.
On their own, raisins can be beneficial for your child’s oral health. This is because they contain a phytochemical known as oleanolic acid, which has been found to inhibit the growth of the bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum disease. However, you will need to be careful since some packaged raisins contain added sugar, which can cancel out the benefits of oleanolic acid.
First and foremost, strawberries are loaded with vitamin C, which contains antioxidants that help to repair damaged collagen in the dentin layer of teeth. They also contain malic acid, which has been shown to naturally whiten the color of your child’s teeth.
Not every child is a huge fan of broccoli, but it is definitely worth it to convince your child to eat some from time to time. Due to its texture, broccoli is a natural teeth cleaner. Additionally, it also contains high amounts of vitamins C and K. As mentioned above, vitamin C is essential to repair collagen in the dentin layer. Vitamin K is another essential nutrient that allows for bone health and proper blood clotting.
Whole Grains
While simple carbohydrates can stick to the surface of your child’s teeth and cause cavities, whole grains are complex carbohydrates that provide decay-causing bacteria with less food. Whole grains also contain high amounts of vitamin B, which promotes gum health, as well as magnesium, which strengthens teeth and bones.